About the RFQ

  • After we accept a customer's RFQ (our recommended e-mail form) and a drawing, we send estimates to you by fax or e-mail.
          Please fill out the e-mail form about your company name, your name, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address,
          parts names, drawing number, your desired quantity of the goods, and your delivery requirements.
  • When you agree to our estimate, please send a formal order sheet to us by fax or e-mail.
          The necessary information are your company name, your name, address, telephone number, fax number, parts names,
          drawing number, quantity of the goods, and delivery date.  Also, you can use any format on the order sheet.
  • We start the work when the goods (or the order) arrive at our company.
  • After the end of the work, we perform delivery inspection and send the goods.